Phan Quang | Vietnam
Virtual Gallery
Born in Binh Dinh, Vietnam in 1976. His practice is based on the contemporary photography concept and the political and cultural experiments of himself to turn it into his artworks.Before beginning to exhibit his artwork, Phan worked for over a decade as a photojournalist for some of Asia’s best-known media, including Forbes, New York Time and Viet Nam Economic Times. Currently he is a photographing lecturer at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2016 – RE/COVER, curated by Nguyen Nhu Huy, BLANC Art Space, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2013 – Space/Limit, Sàn Art, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2013 – Adaptations, Koganecho Bazaar, Yokohama, Japan2010 – A Farmer’s Diary, Galerie Quynh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2009 – Colors, Himiko Visual Cafe, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2020 – Undefined Boudaries – Sa Sa Art Cambodia2019 – Re/cover – Mistake Room, Los Angeles
- 2016 – Festival photographer in Beijing
- 2016 – Biennale Dakar, Dakar City, Senegal
- 2016 – Louis Meisel gallery, 141 Prince Street, New York, NY 10012
- 2016 – Contruction of Disquiet, GWC Community Art Galery, Huntingbeach CA
- 2015 – And That Which Was Always Known, curated by Roger Nelson, Yavuz Gallery, Singapore
- 2015 – Sovereign Asian Art Prize Finalists Exhibition, Hong Kong
- 2015 – Triennale Photo Bangkok BACC Pink Factory in Korea
Chien-Hua Huang | Taiwan
Virtual Gallery
Huang Chien-Hua received his BFA in 2003 from National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Sculpture, and MFA in 2006 from Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts. During the time in Tainan, his work shifted towards image making. Huang conveys his view on time and space with contemporary digital photography. In 2017, he received his Ph.D. from the Tainan National University of the Arts, Department of Art Creation and Theory, continuing his investigation on the identity of human existence in an image driven age. In regard to contemporaneity, Huang Chien-Hua commented: “We are drifting in a paradoxical world. We find pleasure in it, but we lost our ability to discern.” He has extensively observed the liminoid phenomena through signage, word play, and representation in the media era; with experiences existing in a digital age and shifting perspectives, Huang relates to the world’s wisdom in the most intimate and direct way, and tells a disorderly yet delightful parable of human nature.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2018 – Fotofever – Photography Art Fair, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France.
- 2016 – Transcoder, INART Space, Tainan, Taiwan.
- 2015 – The Manipulator, Okinawa Contemporary Art Center, Okinawa, Japan.
- 2012 – Trivial Fables, INART Space, Tainan, Taiwan.
- 2010 – Blankscape, UNITEC university, Auckland, New Zealand.
- 2008 – I don’t follow the rules, Gifu City Culture Center, Japan.Selected Recent Group Exhibitions:
- 2020 – Summer Hot, INART Space, Tainan, Taiwan.
- 2020 – JAPAN – TAIWAN Exchange Show
- 2020, Art Lab TOKYO/AKIBA & Sakuragi Fine Arts, Tokyo, Japan.
- 2020 – The Parallel Worlds – Chiang Mai Photo Festival, Chiang Mai University Art Center, Chiang Mai, Thailan
Ryota Katsukura | Japan
Virtual Gallery
Born 1978 in Tokyo, Japan, He work at Tokyo Polytechnic University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Photography as associate Professor. In 2002, he got his MFA in Media art, Media art Department, Tokyo Polytechnic University, and in 2000, BFA in Photography, Photography Department, Tokyo Polytechnic University. His photographic works are collected by the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts. Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2017 – Nameless Story, nap gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2013 – Nippon Ditties, Photo Gallery International, Tokyo, Japan
- 2009 – Good Morning, Japan, Photo Gallery International, Tokyo, Japan
- 2002 – Tokyo Ballad, Osaka Nikon Salon, Osaka, Japan
- 2001 – Tokyo Ballad, Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
- 2020 – Photo and Book/Book and Photo, AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2019 – The 10th Gelatin Silver Session, AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2019 – Fujifilm Acros × 39 Photographers, Fujifilm Square, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018 – Wie im Märchen, Kunsthaus Horn, Horn, Austria
- 2017 – The 9th Gelatin Silver Session, AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2017 – Unitus For Gentlemen At Play, AXIS Gallery symposia, Japan
- 2016 – (Personal) Document, Si:jac Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
- 2016 – SASAGU, alt_medium, Tokyo, Japan
- 2016 – 90 years, ShadaiGallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 2016 – Gelatin Silver Session, Irie Taikichi Memorial Museum Of Photography Nara City, Nara, Japan
Kang Jaegu | Korea
Virtual Gallery
Kang Jaegu Graduated from Kaywoon School of Art and Design Photograph Art and Chuan Ang University School of Photography. He has been actively exhibiting his works from 2009 untill now, either at group exhibition or solo exhibition. His works has been exhibited at France, Spain, USA, Japan, Slovakia, Netherland, China And Korea. Several of his works are collected by some museum at Korea and Japan as permanent collection. Beside exhibition, he is also producing his works on the photobook form and achieve some important awards at Korea
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2019 – 12mm, Gallery Bresson, Seoul
- 2018 – Soldier, Totem Pole Photo Gallery, Tokyo
- 2016 – Secret Space, H:Space, Seoul
- 2016 – 12mm, Bando Gallery, Seoul
- 2012 – 12mm, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Seoul
- 2010 – Portrait Shot, Ilium Gallery, Seoul
- 2010 – Democratic Portrait, NUDA Gallery, Daejeon, Korea
- 2019 – Subject and Attitude, Space22, Seoul
- 2019 – My Body Your Body Their Body, The Reference Asia, Seoul
- 2018 – fotofever
- 2018 & photo independent, Carrousel du Lauvre, Paris
- 2017 – Social Place, H.Hartbridge Gallery, Seoul
- 2017 – Fotofever, Carrousel du Lauvre, Paris
- 2016 – SP x KOROGRAM – The Exhibition, KOROGRAM, Seoul
- 2016 – Photoville
- 2016#48 Sensation Photography, DUMBO, NY
- 2016 – KT&G SKOPF Collections, KT&G Sangsangmadang, Chuncheon, Korea
- 2016 – Sensation Photography, SP Gallery, Seoul
Yong Huang Lee | Korea
Virtual Gallery
He is a professor in the Department of Photography at Chung-Ang University. In 2010, he served as the general director of the Daegu Photo Biennale, participated in a number of exhibitions of leading galleries and art galleries in Germany and China, and served as a reviewer and judge at a European photo festival. In 2016, it was selected as one of the world’s top 100 photos by ‘European Photography’. He received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Photography from Chung-Ang University and a Master’s degree in Visual Media at the Graduate School of Journalism. He graduated from Ohio University with a master’s degree in Multimedia, and received a doctorate in philosophy from Daegu Catholic University. In 2010, he served as the general director of the Daegu Photo Biennale, participated in a number of exhibitions of leading galleries and art galleries in Germany and China, and served as a reviewer and judge at a European photo festival. In 2016, it was selected as one of the world’s top 100 photos by ‘European Photography’. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Photography at Chung-Ang University
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2013 – Political Landscape, Controlled Nature, onomato künstlerverein, Düsseldorf
- 2012 – Rectangle. Red .Control, C space, Beijing, 2012.12.7.-2012.12.142011 – Political Landscape, Jaha Museum
- 2002 – A Journal on How I am Doing-The Fate, Gallery Hwan, Taegu and Obs Gallery, Kwangju
- 2017 – Social Place, H.Hartbridge Gallery, Seoul
- 2013 – Ulsan International Photo Festival
- 2002 – In & Out ’, International Group Show, Park Yong Duck Gall
Ali Mecca | Indonesia
Virtual Gallery
Ali Mecca was born in Bandung, 1989. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in photography at Universitas Pasundan and a masters degree in Cultural Studies at Universitas Padjadjaran. Currently, he is a young lecturer in photography at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and also several Universities in Bandung. In academic research and in his art works he is interesting on cultural issues, especially on gender issues and domestic space. He beliefs that photography is an egalitarian medium that has the power to deconstruct the binary opposition paradigm which leads to certain hierarchical social relations
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2017 – Group, Sewindu, Thee Huis Gallery, Bandung
- 2015 – Group, Identity, Gedung Indonesia menggugat, Bandung
- 2014 – Group, Fake, Galeri Ropih, Bandung
- 2013 – Group, International Exhibition of Photography: Seeing a song, Gedung Gas Negara, Bandung
- 2013 – Group, Pameran Tugas Akhir, Gedung Indonesia Menggugat, Bandung
- 2011 – Group, Indonesia Channel, Gedung KAA, Bandung
- 2011 – Group, When Livelihoods Blends in Lens, Universitas Padjadjaran
Anna Kedziora | Poland
Virtual Gallery
26ANNA KEDZIORABorn in 1982. Lives and works in Poznan, Poland. Visual artist and curator. Assistant professor and a former head of Photography Part-time Program (2016-2019) at the Photography Faculty (University of Arts in Poznan, Poland). Co-founder and manager of an international photography competition Poznan Photo Diploma Award. Her field of artistic research embraces a wide scope of what might be called „Conflicted Landscapes”. She has worked i.a. on the notions of Landscape & Power, Landscape & Trauma, and most currently Landscape of Loss. Her main medium is photography and video, she also experiments with ceramics and installations. Her work often involves field research eg. during research journeys to Iceland, Spain, Thailand and Cambodia. Presented her works in several individual and group exhibitions and conferences in Poland, Germany, Belarus, Slovakia, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, Greece, Wales.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2015 – Sacrum Intolerandus – Culture Centre „Castle”, Poznań, PL
- 2015 – Observatory – „Water Tower” gallery Konin, PL
- 2010 – Paradise garden – Świdnica, PL
- 2007 – (Not just) family stories – „Water Tower” gallery Konin, PL
- 2020 – A Beast of No Burden – Bandung Photo Showcase, Soemardja Gallery, Bandung, ID
- 2020 – Beast of No Burden – TIFF Festival, Wrocław, PL
- 2018 – Earthworks (III) – Galeria Duża Scena UAP, Poznan, PL
- 2018 – Absent Images – SURVIVAL festival, Wroclaw, PL
- 2017 – Earthworks (III) – „lAbiRynt” festival, Frankfurt (Oder), DE
- 2016 – White Phantom Isles – CONTROL-EXPERIMENT CONTROL, SE
- 2016 – Black Phantom Isles – EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation, Tarrega, ES
Kamila Kobierzyńska | Poland
Virtual Gallery
I live and work in Poznań (Poland). Since 2014, I have been co-creating the 2nd Photography Studio at the Faculty of Photography at the University of Arts in Poznań and I also run the Photography Studio at the Zamek Culture Center inPoznań. I studied Film and Television Recording at the Institute of Creative Photography at the University of Silesia in Opava and Photography at the University of Arts in Poznań.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2020 – Exhibition „Piątkowo”, Laboratorium Gallery, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Curatorial realisation „Someone has deceived You” OFF Festival, Bratislava (SK)
- 2019 – Exhibition „Der Vorlage” Rotunda Gallery, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Collective exhibition „Przypadek sprawił, że…” Curators Lab Gallery, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Curatorial realisation „Przenikanie” Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Collective exhibition „ Wizyta”, Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Curatorial realisation „Wizyta”,Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań, Poznań (PL)
- 2019 – Collective exhibition „Przypadek sprawił, że…”, Galeria Curators Lab, Poznań (PL)
- 2018 – Collective exhibition „#ulotne”, Duża Scena Gallery, Poznań (PL)
- 2018 – Curatorial realisation „Kierunek Fotografia”, Poznań
- 2018 – Photobook showcase in PF Gallery, Poznań (PL)
- 2017 – Exhibition „855/1” w Sali Wielkiej Zamek Culture
- 2016 – Collective exhibition „Przenikanie”, Ośrodek Kultury i Sztuki we Wrocławiu oraz Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław (PL)
Virtual Gallery
Peter Fitzpatrick is an Australian artist/educator and former Chair of Photography at Columbia College Chicago. He currently holds the position of Special Advisor Community Engagement in the Office of the Provost and teaches the Photo Social Practice course in the Photography Department. Peter works with still and moving image, reaching across analogue and digital technologies. He has been involved in developing the teaching and research programs at the Photography and Media Arts Department at the School of Art, Australian National University and the Australian Centre for Photography. Peter has taken part in artist residency programs, festivals, education forums, and exhibitions in Australia, China, Czech Republic, Singapore, New Zealand, and the USA. He holds a Masters of Fine Arts Research at the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales in Sydney. Peter has received project funding from The Australia Council and Arts ACT. He has been involved with photography education and practice since 1989. Peter volunteers as the Education Director for the 501c3 Eyes on Main Street Inc. in Wilson North Carolina
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2014 – I Maybe Sometime: 10th October – 29th November, Project Room Gallery, Chicago USA
- 2014 – Mental Notes: 19th September – Library, Columbia College Chicago, USA
- 2014 – Mental Notes: 10th June – 30th August, Faculty Lounge, Columbia College Chicago, USA
- 2016 – Eyes on Main Street: 9th April – 10th July, Wilson N Carolina
- 2016 – Dada Lives! University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, Ohio USA
- 2016 – History of the National Photography Prize, Murray Art Museum, Albury, Australia
Wan-Lin Chen | Taiwan
Virtual Gallery
Born in Tainan, Taiwan, 1980. Currently lives and works in Tainan, Taiwan. Chen Wan-Ling received her PhD in 2020 from the School of Tainan National University of the Arts. Her works were inspired from attention on daily life experiences in the modern city. Chen was a resident artist at BankART1929 in Yokohama, Japan and Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France. She has exhibited internationally in Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan, France and Russia
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2014 – Micro Nature, Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan
- 2012 – Chen, Wan-Ling Solo Exhibition, Cité International des Arts Paris, Paris, France2010 – A Little Factory of Life, Der-Horng Art Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan2009 – Little Macrocosm, BankART 1929, Yokohama, Japan
- 2007 – ∞, Taiwan New Art Room, Tainan, TaiwanSelected Recent Group Exhibitions:
- 2019 – Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity, Krasnoyarsk Museum Center (Ploshchad Mira) , Russia
- 2016 – Another Record of Travel, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2015 – Art and City in Yokohama and Taipei, BankART 1929, Yokohama, Japan
- 2014 – East longitude tilt, Tainan National University of Art, Tainan, Taiwan
- 2013 – The Circle Game, Tunghai University Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2013 – Fantasy Classroom-The Butter Cat Laboratory-Contemporary Women Artists Joint exhibition ,WAA House, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2013 – Innovation & Re-creation : NTMOFA Young Artist Collection, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2012 – Patrimoine connection: Les paysages des autres, La Rotonde Place Stalingrad, Paris, Franc
Nguyễn Thế Sơn | Vietnam
Virtual Gallery
Living and working in Hanoi. Nguyen The Son is a visual artist, a photographer, curator and a lecturer of Vietnam Fine Arts University. Nguyen The Son graduated from (BA) Fine Arts in Hanoi University of Fine Arts, graduated from University of Languages and International Studies and graduated Master of Fine Arts Photography and Experimental Arts at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. , Beijing (CAFA). His works are often influenced by sociological research, questioning and reflecting on the broken and disappearance of humanity’s memories and values in the process of changing and conflict of Vietnamese values during the changing period. Son has 20 solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in Vietnam and many countries around the world such as USA, England, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Korea … Son’s artworks has been collected at several museums such as the Worcester Art Museum, RMIT University, CAFA Art museum
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2019 – City and memory at Seoul Bieannale, Seoul. South Korea
- 2019 – Journey to the willmild land at Academy Minerva, The Neitherland.
- 2019 – Mountain connecting mountain, river connecting river” at Lumenvisum art space, Hongkong
- 2019 – Journey at the seven hill land at AGOhub art space, Hanoi.
- 2018 – Light as pink feather at Sprinkler Factory, Worcester, USA
- 2020 – No rain without clouds” RMIT contemporary art collection exhibition at Women Museum, Hanoi
- 2020 – Breathing TUBE” exhibition at VUUV building, Hanoi
- 2020 – Public Art project in Phuc Tan, Hanoi
- 2019 – The Twilight between Light and Darkness at AGOhub, Hanoi
- 2018 – Contemporary art project at basement of National Assembly of Vietnam
Jim Ramer | America
Virtual Gallery
Jim Ramer is an artist, curator and educator. Born in the American South, he has lived and worked in New York City since 1997. His work considers the nature of vision and perception. The work questions photography’s role in shaping our view of the world and the worlds perception of each of us. His artwork spans photography, video, sculpture, and installation. His work has been exhibited internationally most recently at Platform L, Seoul, South Korea; Main Window, NYC; MCA, Memphis, TN; Inchon International Photography Festival, Inchon, South Korea; The Pelham Art Center, NY; Filter Space, Chicago; Pingyao International Photography Festival; Denver Month of Photography, CO among others. As a curator he has recently curated exhibitions in New York City, China, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, India as well as New York City. In 2017 he was named curator of the Lishui Biennial International Photography Festival, Lishui, CN. He was the Co-Founder of Art Workers Plan B Gallery and director and curator of Delta Axis Contemporary Art Center in Memphis, TN. He has lectured internationally on photography most recently at the Tsinghua University, Beijing; Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; Net Photography Festival Daegu, South Korea; The Auckland Photo Festival, NZ; and the Singapore International Photo Festival. He is an Associate Professor of Photography currently serving as the Founding Director of the MFA in Photography program at Parsons School of Design in New York City.
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
- 2019 – Alien Revisited, Pingyao International Photography Festival, China
- 2018 – Horizon Event, Main Window, New York, NY
- 2019 – Coming Image, Tianjin Museum of Art, Tianjin, China
- 2019 – Coming Image, Tsinghua Museum of Art, Tsinghua University, China
- 2018 – We Rise, MCA Biennial, Memphis, TN
- 2018 – Playlist, Akademia Galerie, U-Bahn Station Universitat, Munich, Germany
- 2017 – Alien, DACP Screens, Colorado Month of Photography, Denver, CO Chang Mai Biannual, Chang Mai, Thiala