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The Gallery Program

The gallery offers a year- round program of art exhibitions of contemporary and historical work. Build in early 1970’s as a teaching facility in the Arts Faculty, it is located on the ITB campus in the Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10.
Over the years, the Gallery has hosted exhibition openings, gallery talks and public lectures, and has also given exhibition tours for schools and community groups, all thanks to the community of artists and others foreign cultural center who have supported the Gallery.

The Soemardja Gallery serves both as a public gallery and as a teaching facility within Faculty of Fine Art and Design-ITB. Its purpose in the community and on the campus is to enrich visual experience through showcasing original works of historical or contemporary importance. The Gallery shows about six exhibitions per year of national, international, regional or local importance in a variety of styles and media.

Some exhibitions are organized in-house; others are brought in from other institutions. Soemardja Gallery’s adventurous and interdisciplinary programming communicates new ways of thinking about art, and is a catalyst for the free and lively exchange of ideas among artists, the university, and the community at large. The Gallery fosters critical dialogue through exhibitions and programs that explore fresh interpretations and scholarship on art, that provide a forum for art produced internationally by emerging and mid-career artists, and that feature new work of established artists.

The gallery supports and enhances the Art Department instructional program while giving students from all disciplines and interested community members a valuable opportunity to explore and experience contemporary and historical works of art from many cultures. The gallery is also used as a forum for student art critique classes, discussions with artists, university and community guest lecture series and events, provides tours to university classes, community groups and school groups, and gives an opportunity for students and interns to participate in gallery installations and management.

The gallery looks after ITB’s collection of art. Works from the collection are shown in Gallery exhibitions from time to time. The Gallery is operated by a full-time Curator (director), Program Manager and Community Volunteers serve as gallery guards and receptionists during gallery open hours.


How To Make Exhibition or Art Event in Gallery

If you wish to propose an exhibition in any media, art discussion, seminar or symposium, please do so in writing accompanied by a resume and a selection of slides, CD, DVD or HVS. Send a proposal include the images of the work, artist name’s, and curatorial brief. For art discussion, seminar or symposium, please send the theme or the topics also the dates related with the event.


Soemardja Gallery New Program

Galeri soemardja kini memiliki sebuah ruang pamer baru yang diberi nama Space 25x36x50 adalah sebuah kotak (display) untuk karya-karya berukuran kecil dan sebuah layar untuk pemutaran seni-seni video atau film. Space 25x36x50 berlokasi di pintu masuk Galeri Soemardja FSRD-ITB. Kami mengundang karya-karya Anda untuk berpameran dalam program ini.

Send your aplication to :
senirupa@fsrd.itb.ac.id or blupart@yahoo.com or scraberman@yahoo.com

Aplikasi terdiri dari:
1. Imej karya.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Selembar surat ajuan untuk berpameran.

Kami Tunggu Karya-karya Anda